
Yoga is derived from Sanskrit root ‘YUJ’ which has various meanings. They are “to bind, to join, to attach, to concentrate once attention on, to use, to apply, joining individual soul with universal soul, joining body with mind, uniting the body with mind and spirit, etc.,. In a nutshell, yoga means, to unite the various aspects of the life to achieve a harmonious whole, learning to live in the present moment.

Patanjali, a sage who lived around 300-400 B.C. is the father of yoga. His works called ‘Patanjali yoga sutra” deals with the principles of yogic philosophy. He condensed these principles into 8 concise points called the ‘Ashtanga Yoga’ or ‘Raja Yoga’ which consists of 185 terse aphorisms. These are considered to be the eight steps in which a man or woman will ultimately attain self-realization and liberation from the body and mind.

The following are the eight steps of Ashtanga Yoga

refers to following non-violence and truth. It helps a man to follow a set of moral codes that helps in practicing and preaching the virtue of truthfulness and restraint.
is the practice of physical postures. There are about 84 lakhs of asanas according to the ‘Hata yoga pradipika’. Yoga asanas are a set of postures, which help in toning both external and internal parts of the body. Because of this unique feature, yoga is offered as a prevention and cure for many diseases and disorders.
Detachment: the control of our senses from exterior objects.
is Meditation. It is a higher level of concentration wherein a man is able to control the brain waves. It helps to achieve liberation from the distraction of the mind and body.
2. Niyama
helps in the development of the personal conduct and behavior of man. Cleanliness of both body and mind is essential in a man’s development. He should also be friendly with one and all. Help everybody share whatever knowledge he has with others and ultimately be a good Samaritan.
is the control of Breath. One can live without food for 40 days, without water for 3 days but cannot live without breathing for a few minutes. On an average a man takes 16,000 to 20,000 breaths per day.
Concentration. Help the co-ordination between the left and right parts of our brain. It helps a person to pursue whatever he does with full involvement and attention.
or Super consciousness is a higher level of meditation. It helps in attaining self- realization, which is the ultimate aim of yoga.
Different Yoga’s

The etymology of the word yoga and its various definitions are analysed. There are various methods of practicing yoga based on the theory of practicing. Different scholarly persons of yoga classify yoga with different names. Among them ‘Ashtanga Yoaga’ of patanjali, ‘Hatha Yoga’, ‘Mantra Yoga’, ‘Laya Yoga’, ‘Tantra Yoga’, ‘Natha Yoga’, ‘Swara Yoga’, ‘Siddha Yoaga’, ‘Bhakti Yoaga’, ‘Gnana Yoag’, ‘Kriya Yoga’, and ‘Karma Yoag’ are the most important yogas.

“Health is wealth” says an old adage. Ancient wisdom categorically states that wealth alone is not enough to lead a good life. With money one can buy food, but not hunger, bed but not sleep comforts but not cheerfulness and so on. In fact nothing can be enjoyed in life without health. An unhealthy person is a liability to himself / herself, to the family members and to the society. A sound mind is always in a sound body.

Particularly in today’s fast world, health problems are compounded by a single most important factor, which is in-built in our lifestyles viz. STRESS. Stress creates and aggravates many mental and physical ailments like psychological imbalances, psychosomatic disorders, cardiac attacks, respiratory ailments digestive deficiencies etc., these complaints lead to early heart attack, sniffing out life from the breadwinner and plunging the whole family in grief and despair
